Quickstart ========== This section contains basic information about **sphinxcontrib.video** to get you started. Installation ------------ Use ``pip`` to install **sphinxcontrib-video** in your environment: .. code-block:: console pip install sphinxcontrib-video Extension setup --------------- Enable the extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After installing **sphinxcontrib-video**, add ``sphinxcontrib.video`` to the list of extensions in your ``conf.py`` file: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ #[...] "sphinxcontrib.video", ] video directive --------------- You can now add video directly in your documentation: .. code-block:: rst .. video:: _static/video.mp4 .. video:: _static/video.mp4 Options ------- the video directive supports all the optional attributes from the html tag as summurazied in the following table: .. csv-table:: Optional Attributes :header: Attribute, value, Description ``:alt:``,``str``,Specify the text to write when the video cannot be displayed ``:autoplay:``,,Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready ``:nocontrols:``,,Specifies that video controls should not be displayed (such as a play/pause button etc). ``:height:``,``int``,Sets the height of the video player in pixels ``:loop:``,,Specifies that the video will start over again, every time it is finished ``:muted:``,,Specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted ``:poster:``,``str``, Specifies an image url to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button ``:preload:``,``str``,"Specifies if and how the author thinks the video should be loaded when the page loads. Can only be values from ``['auto', 'metadata', 'none']``" ``:width:``,``int``, Sets the width of the video player in pixels ``:class:``,``str``, Set extra class to the video html tag They can be used as any directive option: .. code-block:: rst .. video:: _static/video.mp4 :nocontrols: :loop: :poster: _static/image.png .. video:: _static/video.mp4 :nocontrols: :autoplay: :muted: :loop: And using the ``:class:`` parameter in combination with custom css, you can change the display of the html ``