
This section contains basic information about sphinxcontrib.video to get you started.


Use pip to install sphinxcontrib-video in your environment:

pip install sphinxcontrib-video

Extension setup#

Enable the extension#

After installing sphinxcontrib-video, add sphinxcontrib.video to the list of extensions in your conf.py file:

extensions = [

video directive#

You can now add video directly in your documentation:

.. video:: _static/video.mp4


the video directive supports all the optional attributes from the html tag as summurazied in the following table:

Optional Attributes#






Specify the text to write when the video cannot be displayed


Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready


Specifies that video controls should not be displayed (such as a play/pause button etc).



Sets the height of the video player in pixels


Specifies that the video will start over again

every time it is finished


Specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted



Specifies an image url to be shown while the video is downloading

or until the user hits the play button



Specifies if and how the author thinks the video should be loaded when the page loads. Can only be values from ['auto', 'metadata', 'none']



Sets the width of the video player in pixels



Set extra class to the video html tag

They can be used as any directive option:

.. video:: _static/video.mp4
    :poster: _static/image.png

And using the :class: parameter in combination with custom css, you can change the display of the html <video> tag:

.. video:: _static/video.mp4
    :class: video-bordered

Advanced Usage#

The browser used by the user may not support the codec of the primary source set in the directive. The <video> tag offers the possibility to add multiple sources, the first one compatible being the one displayed on screen. To use this options simply add the alternative source as a second argument to your video:

.. video:: _static/video.webm _static/video.mp4


to enforce this behavior set the sphinx parameter video_enforce_extra_source to True in your conf.py, it will then raise a warning when a secondary source is missing.

# conf.py

video_enforce_extra_source = True